30 July 2024

A Return?

 Hi all! It's been a while. You may notice that a large portion of my blog is now missing, this is not an error! Since starting this blog back in 2020, I have grown and evolved a lot as a GM, and very much feel that the content shared here is no longer a representation of Mt skills as a game master or writer. Instead, I will be re-releasing a number of my adventures in an updated and sleeker format.

The first adventure I will be re-releasing will be my A Kob-Old Fashioned Haunting. Of all of the adventures I've released, it honestly still holds up as one of the best. Not only at my own tables, but from feedback from other DMs and GMs who have run it, it seems to be a firm favorite. As such, an updated PDF copy, as well as new/updated maps and statblocks, are now live on my KoFi page, as a Pay What You Want product - with no minimum price (just leave the "price" at 0 to get it for free).

Moving forward, I will be revisiting a number of my older adventures, and giving them a complete overhaul. Re-thinking monsters and encounters, redesigning maps, and most importantly, bringing them all up to a general higher standard. The first few of these will be:

* A Crap Job

* Temple of the Elements

* Volcano Adventure

* Smugglers Cave

Some adventures will possibly not make a comeback. My Halloween One-Shot simply did not live up to my hopes, and looking back over it, was simply poorly written. Both "A Hairy Situation", and "Into the Fey Woods" are just a little too generic, and may eventually resurface, albeit with a lot of changes and tweaks, and as for the others, it remains to be seen. Finally, my monster posts will be undergoing a lot of changes. I will start to write up detailed information posts about some of my monsters, including tactics, ecology and environment, and releasing them alongside updated stats, and (hopefully) some creature art.

Download the adventure Here!